Who Should Govern, POTUS or Judicial Activists?


Who Should Govern, POTUS or Judicial Activists?
America is returning, kicking and screaming all the way, to the old original ideas of American Constitutionalism. Progressives, having been so successful for so long in altering the American mind and reducing American culture and moral standards to the levels of dysfunction, that they have come to assume that governing is their divine right because they’re good at it, and should never be challenged. Well, it’s being challenged! We voted for Trump, not a Federal Judge.

In their diligence to achieve for America the Utopian goal of a Marxist society, like the one that worked so well for Russia, they’ve left no stone unturned to protect their flakes by placing Marxist thinking judges on Federal benches where their political mischief could halt any turn of the law inimical to the Left’s goals of mongrelizing America.

This week, in a frenzy of crazed decision making, a Federal Judge in the Socialist State of California, blocked Trumps order to use DoD funds to fund the wall. This judges draws on the “Separation of Powers” as the anchor for his decision. He wrote: “The position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds ‘without Congress’ does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” What I take from this is that It’s more important to find specific Congressional funding than to protect America. Federal Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern District of California was an Obama appointee. What would happen if the President should stop funding this judges court?

In February, Trump declared a national emergency. The goal was to obtain funding for the border wall since Congress was unwilling to protect America’s borders. If Trumps order was simply an arbitrary one, I might agree with the Judge but, America is being invaded by unskilled peasants, drugs, disease and criminal gangs so, I don’t agree with the Judge. His ruling stood against Border Security, in favor of crime, drugs and human trafficking.

Judge Gilliam also opined: that “”Congress’s “absolute” control over federal expenditures—even when that control may frustrate the desires of the Executive Branch regarding initiatives it views as important—is not a bug in our constitutional system.” Other Federal Judges, as we know, have stymied other of Trumps initiatives, even his trying to stop illegal ones that never made it into law, like Obama’s illegal “DACA” program.

How the progressives have been changing America, like the DACA thing, among others, is to appeal to our personal feelings, featuring heartbreaking and woebegone tales of manufactured anguish that alter our attitudes to rebel against heartless laws made by dead old white men. If we continue in this mode, America is doomed to socialism.

Remember, in his empathetic appeal to “Dreamers”, Obama said we had to let ‘em stay because, “It’s who we are!” That’s a shame because it’s not who we are, it’s who they’ve conditioned us to be. We do have laws that are simply being brushed aside because these hoards of poor downtrodden useless peasants swarming our southern borders “just want to enjoy the American Dream.” Well, the American dream doesn’t include welfare, free housing over unhoused Americans, free education for their children or free healthcare you and I have had to pay for out of our monthly salaries all of our lives. I’m getting sick and tired of this Socialist BS and the Federal Judges who promulgate it. Lets have an expedited appeal!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go fight ‘em!

Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!


Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!
Let’s see if we can figure this one out. Three hundred people, including at least three Americans, were murdered and five hundred injured, in separate Islamic attacks against two Christian churches and three hotels in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) on Easter Sunday. If you didn’t know that, I recommend you should urgently reevaluate your news gathering habits. The phony Mueller business is over at last. Let it go!

The mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the Progressive Left, don’t want to share these ugly stories of Muslims murdering Christians with you lest you become Islamaphobic in the process. No, not al all! Islam is the religion of peace, isn’t it?

The MSM is motivated to flood the airways with Progressive drivel. For example, while Sri Lanka burns, Elizabeth, the phony Indian, Warren, in her feckless attempt to charge up her flagging presidential campaign, doesn’t even mention the deadly Islamic Easter attack in Sri Lanka, but wants to turn Americans into pot heads. She says “Pot” can be an economic boon to the poor, destitute denizens of neighborhoods that prosperity forgot; that vast throng of poor, uneducated, inept, unqualified unemployable creatures who have not shared in the spoils of Capitalism. Let’s give them money.

Pocahontas is not alone. The wannabe Mexican fool Señor “Beto” O’Rourke, thinks he was gifted with the looks, charm and erudition of JFK, while the former mayor of South Bend, Ind, Greg what’s his name, hyped by a media love fest, has gone off the rails himself defending Socialism as a panacea for America’s problems. AOC demonstrates, every time she opens her mouth, why the cost of her education was money misspent. These people are all the same, identical, leaderless and ignorant, like a carton of eggs.

I put a carton of a dozen fresh eggs in my fridge yesterday, added three eggs on top from the previous carton and, Lo!, fifteen white eggs that look exactly the same, like the Democrat contenders for President. They all sound the same, say the same things, each one out shouting the others to be heard about the same things…nothing! Can I refer to the Democrats as “eggs” now? Would it be understood? Will anyone understand “eggs” as a metaphor for sameness?

Not even a dozen intelligent eggs can possibly do what Donald Trump has done to Make America Great Again, but they all want the same things for Americans, open borders to allow immigration, including invading Muslims, free education, free healthcare, free housing, and monthly salaries whether they have a job or not. The Democrats promise of a socialist utopia remains as big a scam as Mueller’s investigation was. America is not a Socialist country!

This Democrat hysteria over demands for results already provided, on a two year investigation already concluded, is a direct reflection of the dysfunction that the leaderless and inept Democrat party has become. If they were real eggs, they should be scrambled by now. As a political observer, I’m not sure I any longer know how best to describe the Democrat party, as fragile eggs or as further evidence the inmates are running the institution.

The Democrats, now in tatters, are passing through the five stages of Trump: grief, anger, bargaining, depression and soon, we hope, acceptance. This is seen in the House of Representatives, in the context that the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is no longer captain of her ship, but is trying to tut-tut over a primary class of ignorant children, em, I mean eggs!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

What’s the Crisis?


What’s the Crisis?
What is being revealed right before our very eyes is not, as Nancy Pelosi would have us accept, a Constitutional crisis, but rather, a crisis of government. We have too much government, too much money to be made being in government, too little work done for the benefit of American voters, and too many really stupid people who don’t realize they are really stupid people.

That’s the crisis that Donald Trump recognized when he decided America needed to be saved and he was the one who would do it. The moderate Republican party, no longer fulfilling its role as the champion of constitutional conservatism, is struggling to stay relevant to what America’s Marxists, disguised as the Democrat party, really want. The “Never Trumpers,” clinging to the political corruption that keeps them relevant, hate Trump because he won’t play the game their way. That’s the crisis. Neither do they see the tsunami coming that will overwhelm them.

What we are witnessing is push back from Trump like they’ve never experienced before! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schemers trekked to the White House, supposedly for a meeting with the President on Infrastructure funding, but really with the intention to ambush the President. They attacked Trump on funding issues by throwing out threats of investigations, impeachment and cover-ups to queer the deal. President Trump doesn’t suffer fools and will not be bullied, so he walked out on ‘em. Expect the House, under Democrat leadership, to produce nothing for the next year and a half except more hysteria.

They lost, but Trump, they say, must be guilty of something. That uncouth Trump must be corrupt but, he ignores them by refusing to permit White House staffers to testify about their interactions with him. For the Democrats, a conservative, if not playing their game, is grounds for impeachment. The problem is, Democrats don’t have the evidence they want or any other reason to get rid of him. But, that’s not stopping ‘em! They have the House and its powers of oversight and by Gawd, they’re going to use it. I think Trump is safe and he knows it.

Consider the alternative. A Jeb Bush, John Kasich or any other of the “Never Trumpers” who fancy themselves ‘moderate’ Republicans, would immediately have rolled over onto their backs at Nancy’s first bark to acquiesce to Democrats demands while licking the hand that beats them. For some inexplicable reason the Democrats firmly believe the stupid American voters are with them in hating Donald Trump and in wanting him to be gone.

Consider what the Democrats have already given us. A return of infectious disease’s by opening the borders to illegals who are then, cost free, housed, educated, provided free medical care and food, just for their vote. Democrats have forced our children to face sexual perverts with this transgender BS, multi-sex restrooms, males in women’s sports, transgender classes in our schools, but, worse, condoning the evil of Islam to be taught in our schools, but not allowing the morals found in Christianity to even be recognized.

Upon what basis do Democrats believe they are not only fit to lead, but expect to lead because it is their divine right? Our political system was the best going. When even an unenlightened bartender, with some effort at campaigning against a career politician, can get elected to the deliberative body that is our Congress, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Muslims, who hate America, deny that our inalienable Constitutional rights beats Shariah Law. These wicked people are now in our congress, like a cancer. How much damage will they do before they’re exposed for what they really are, fifth columnist for Islam? That’s also a major crisis.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Gun Violence, The Solution is Found in the Facts.


Gun Violence, The Solution is Found in the Facts.
Another shooting at a Synagog, this time in San Diego, in the Socialist State of California.
The radical Democrat party, determined to erase the 2nd Amendment from our US Constitution, promotes attacks against anything culturally significant as American, especially if it’s Jewish. A disarmed America is a safe America…for them. Total population control cannot be achieved so long as one free citizen remains armed. Because somebody shot back, an off duty Border Patrol officer in fact, that disrupted the killer, look for more armed parishioners in the pews.

With every shooting crime, the Democrats go nuts blaming conservatives and the NRA. It almost ranks up there disgustingly with Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics for dastardly deaths. The history of self-defense gun use in America, is long and reflective of human nature. Just plain ol’ violence with or without guns, has left a not too proud trail of corpses in its wake, not as much as the Democrat abortion clinics I think, but enough to make ‘em squeamish. But, let’s look at the historical record.

In 1865 a Democrat radical shot and killed President Abraham Lincoln. In 1881 a Democrat radical shot President James Garfield who later died as a result of his injuries. In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed President John F. Kennedy. In 1975 a Democrat left wing radical fired shots at President Gerald Ford.

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded President Ronald Reagan. In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant. In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office. In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office. In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby’s cafeteria in Killeen, TX. In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory. In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service. In 2001 a radical left wing Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill President George W. Bush. In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin manufacturing plant. In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech.

More? In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others. In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, shot up a movie theater killing12 people. In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, another disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis. In 2013 a crazy registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown, CT. In 2013, Sept., an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard in Wash. DC.

Do we see a pattern here? Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns. Statistically, the long and tawdry list of attackers and murderers does not included one NRA, Tea Party member or conservative Republican, as involved in any of these shootings and ghastly murders. The medias rhetoric constantly favors the radical Democrats claims about the desperate need for “gun control” and, every time they open their mouths to moan and whine about gun violence, gun sales rise, new range facilities are opened and proper instruction in gun safety, firearms handling and good marksmanship is offered. Gun Control is a stable platform.

The media purposely never reports on the many, near daily incidents, where people have successfully defended themselves or their families from attackers using firearms. More violence however, comes in different packages, like automobiles, baseball bats and knives than by firearms. Nearly every assault using firearm in America has been at the hands of Progressive, Liberals or radicalized haters of America. The facts speak for themselves.

But, Democrats focus on “gun” violence” and their solution is to completely disarm all Americans, (except their body guards) and punish any who disobey. Clearly, what is the fastest solution to solving Gun Violence? It’s apparent: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Just Cut it Out


“Just Cut it Out”
I was flabbergasted when I read a comment, by a CNN reporter of all people, who wrote: “the Mueller report looks bad for Obama.” It was an opposing opinion (Op-Ed) by Scott Jennings, who I presume may soon be looking for a new situation.

The reason he said it is not because it was a revealed secret or a passed over comment found in some obscure document, but because it stemmed from a comment that fell from the lips of former President Obama himself, that seals the deal. When Obama learned the Russian’s were really hacking or trying to hack into American internet systems, and was asked about it in a public news conference, passed the issue off by acknowledging he knew about it and told Russia’s Premier Putin: “to just cut it out.” And that was the end of that, until the Mueller Report came out this week concluding an investigation that began in 2014.

That so called investigation of 2014 was, in fact, the first action pre-emptive assault to protect Obama’s legacy from Republican attacks, like a “frogmen” sneaking up on a beach before an attack to lay traps and collect information. Mueller’s appointment, after Trump became President, was akin to the noisy beach landings of a full force attack on the enemy. As it turns out the enemy is us, or at least those designated to protect us, the FBI, DoJ, DCI and the IRS.

This all happened on Obama’s watch. He cannot deny it and the press won’t report it, but Scott Jennings did and he pulled the scab off the wound. If Hillary had won, It wouldn’t have made any difference, but she didn’t, and now it’s the SHTF moment and it’s fun watching the rats scurrying for cover. DC is the place now for a good lawyer to sharpen his spurs. $$$$!

Apart from the Mueller Report exonerating our President from accusations of colluding with the Russians and interfering with a criminal investigation (obstructing justice), just what have we learned? Well, Obama’s incompetence as a President for a start. His inept posture toward Russia’s Putin, driven by his criminal behavior in his nuclear negotiations with Iran, even to bribing them with billions in ransom money under the guise of repayment of their own impressed funds, a deal that was a singularly disastrous foreign policy act which President Trump recognized immediately as inimical to the best interests of America and ended. So was Obama’s Arab Spring nonsense, his Libyan disaster, his Fast & Furious debacle and Obamacare, among others.

People are going to prison. Bet on it! In their earnest efforts to find, or create a crime which they could hang on Trump to impeach him, the FBI and the DoJ exposed themselves to be as equally inept as criminals as Obama was a president. Their very acts over two years doubtless must fall within the definition of a “conspiracy to commit treason.” Who can deny it, yet, the feckless Democrats, as all villains are want to do when they lose, attack the messenger.

AG, Bill Barr didn’t investigate Trump or his campaign, Mueller did! FBI Dir. Comey, conspiring with his henchmen, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Page, Brennen, Clapper, & et.al., launched the coup attack against Trump as a full fledged assault to disallow the vote of the American people. That was criminal. Even at this very minute Democrat dumbass, Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, continues to insist that Trump colluded with the enemy and he had proof. Where is it and what was this whole exercise really about, anyway? There is no proof. It was an exercise in hiding Obama’s incompetence and his administration’s failures. So, to you Democrats, I say: “just cut it out!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Here Comes Joe, Another Egg in the Carton


Here Comes Joe, Another Egg in the Carton
Good ol’ “uncle Joe,” I mean the humble, creepy Joe Biden, the touchy-feely, hair smelling, gaff ridden Joe, not the blood stained uncle Joseph Stalin. Our Joe, cunningly exposed his great weakness (dumb) as a Democrat running for president with his early Thursday morning video announcing his intent to throw his hat in the ring and he did it as an all-in Progressive.

Attacking Trump again as a Nazi supporter for comments on the Charlottesville business, Biden talks about losing our “core values” because of Trump. Whose core values does he mean? the values of the Progressive Left he participated in, and that Trump is shredding? That’s why we voted for Trump. In a word, Joe went all-in as a socialist, repeating lies, slurs and innuendos against Trump in an attempt to capture back their fleeing black vote and the socialist trained voters of the millennial age who are pushing their politics, and politicians, to the far Left.

What about Joe? Anybody who parts their hair in a circle to hide their plugs must have a far different view of the big picture than do the Americans who voted for Trump. Biden has to appeal to today’s youth, blacks, illegals, the weird and strange like the youthful, ‘gay’ politician who speaks clearly and succulently, or the faux Mexican, Beto O’Rouke, who doesn’t? What will Joe do? Will he ‘come out’ as a ‘swisher,’ or will he announce he loves tacos and beans more?

Joe Biden is probably the last living remnant of the old Democrat Party of Scoop Jackson and JFK. He must recall the political tussles between the parties then, but were still dedicated to Americas greatness, not the other guy’s destruction. Joe can’t have been blind to the absorption of the Democrat party by Marxism during the intervening years. If he was, then he’s certifiably ignorant and has no business being a president of anything. But, Joe saw his resurrection and a chance for fame and glory by teaming up with Obama as Vice-President.

What other shadows might be lurking in Joe’s background? Former short-time Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort is in prison for dealing with the Ukrainians as an unregistered agent of a foreign country. Well, Joe did it too, on his sons behalf, for a multi-million dollar oil deal. Did Joe and his son registered as agents of a foreign country, or does being Vice-President, like being Secretary of State, immunize them from applicable laws? Will they be investigated?

Joe’s in the news right now but don’t bet on him staying there. Or that other silly old white guy whose hair stands straight up, Bernie Sanders, either. The applicable term is “two old white guys.” If the Democrat party wasn’t so radical, and still retained some measure of Americanism and not Socialism their syllabus, one or the other of them might stand a chance. But, even together they can’t pull it off. Imagine, Biden and Bernie, what a combination of incompetence.

In the long campaign ahead, here’s where the Socialist Democrat party want go. They want a woman. best of all, a women of color. That leaves corrupted Senator and former Attorney General of the Socialist State of California, Kamala Harris. But wait, we have another American woman of African descent rising on the horizon, Stacy Abrahams and, if she can’t cut it, and she won’t, there only remains the “one, who they really want, Michell Obama who will be ushered in to raucous cheers of desperate nimrods at convention time as the salvation of an inclusive Socialist America. The logical choice, don’t you think?

Remember this, no matter what Democrat might win, their government will be filled with functionaries of Obama’s deep state, acolytes willing to make America Socialist.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

The Failed “Putsch”


The Failed “Putsch”
The Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the DoJ’s “Putsch” against President Trump, under Obama’s leadership, has failed! Mueller, after squandering $25 million dollars, more or less, and two plus years of valuable time, couldn’t close the deal for the Progressives that President Trump criminally conspired with the Russians to deny Hillary Clinton her rightful place as President. Because It never happened!

America has had only one political traitor who remains in the history books, Benedict Arnold. But, I think when the smoke clears after this tawdry Mueller business, the wreckage of the Deep State will be complete and a few more pages will be added to the history books on American traitors.

An hidden organization like a “Deep State” only works because people don’t want to be involved. They rely on their elected representatives to legislate, while obeying the Constitution in doing so. But, many low level functionaries in government, syncopates to Socialism, who occupy positions that make the machine work for the elites, are there to do their masters bidding or, do mischief if necessary.

Compliancy sets in, laws are ignored, illegal standards become rote and before you know it, Americans have gotten used to the slow changes that have overtaken their lives. Then came Trump, determined to Make America Great Again. The protected class, in their panic, couldn’t allow that and the leaders felt it their duty to put a quick end to the obstructionist. And they couldn’t! So, with the final conclusion of the Mueller investigation, a new door opens. Americans will be shock with the revelations that are coming.

When a “Putsch” fails and the players are exposed for their treachery, then their former victim(s), Trumps administration, are entitled to use that very apparatus of government, and the very law that the traitors employed, to set about to repair the damage by ripping out the bitter weed of Socialism by its very roots.

The focus now is on outraged judges of the FISA Court. They now know the FBI lied to them and that is the starting point for Trumps swamp draining exercise. We haven’t heard much from that quarter yet, but believe me, a whole bunch of Judges are so outraged and betrayed by former FBI Director Comey, CIA Director Brennan, DoJ’s Sally Yates, McCabe, et.al. that, figuratively, heads will roll. The misuse of the FISA court was central to Obama’s governmental abuse of power. To weaponized his governments intelligence and law enforcement agencies to go after domestic political enemies, is the “Putsch. “ That it was done by a political party that is all-in for Marxism, reveals how close to disaster America actually ventured. In the end, the machinations of the plotters was so clumsy, so inept, that one must step back in awe and wonder if any of the legitimate work they may have done to protect America from foreign spy’s, was effective.

Obama’s DoJ and FBI, were the biggest abusers of power I’ve seen in my lifetimes. If the highest levels of government felt free to trample over the process by which presidents are elected, think what it could do to us deplorable’s..It has already affected Carter Page and Paul Manafort. If a newly elected President can be hounded by unelected elites from within the government, then we’re not safe at all, none of us, This is Orwell’s world of Big Brother, the world Hillary Clinton would have reveled in if she was president.

We now hear silly comments about ‘apologies.’ Nonsense! It’s too late for Apologies. Any given should be ignored by the President, and indeed, I suspect if he could, the perpetrators would be headed for a firing squad. That is the only remedy left to stop the Progressives cold in their scurrilous plans to fundamentally change America. The sure fear of execution for treason is a neutralizer for future politicos who think the American system is out of date and should be changed, by them.

Over two years of orchestrated defamatory allegations against Trump were based on lies, deceit, fake news, anonymous sources and leaks, and should not endear apologies. Two things are clear. The fourth estate, the media, complicate in this ordeal, is corrupt and its leadership also needs to be purged; and our systems of higher education, controlled by socialist unions, needs to be cleansed.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, so, let’s go do something about it.

Signs of the Future?


Signs of the Future?
I do not necessarily subscribe to “signs” or “omens” as guides to how I should behave or what the future holds, but I don’t ignore them either. They’re there none the less, as warnings of the future turmoil we face. Governments, financial institutions, bank’s and savvy investors, rely on analysts to show them signs, to compare past history with what could predictably happen in the future. We all look for signs, in numbers and figures or even in shapes in clouds in the sky.

Predictions are made by analysts and true believers chance their fortunes on the outcomes. Fortunes are won or lost on the belief in analytical predictions. Every field of endeavor has its analysts: Intelligence agencies, financial institutions, real estate brokers and manufactures, whose data comes from trends, spies and history.

For the religious faithful, Bible scriptures are a series of predictions made over two thousand years ago as predictors of events and future warnings of the rewards of sin. Nostradamus made predictions, many that came true in his life time, with others still waiting to be revealed.

Recently, we beheld a true sign, the resurrection of one mans life, his relief from pain and the redemption of his soiled reputation when Tiger Woods achieved his fifth Master’s Green Jacket, the last one eleven years ago. His health restored, his pride showing, is evidence enough for some people to accept the presence of a divine hand. Was that an omen or a sign?

At the same time, two days later in fact, a massive fire all but destroyed a large part of the vast, medieval Gothic Cathedral of Notre Damn in Paris, France, while muslims cheered in the streets. They did that also when the Twin Towers in NYC, were brought down on 9/11. Those were clear signs.

Another is Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, entreating the faithful, world wide, to embrace the siren call of the ‘religion of peace,’ to extend the hand of friendship and forswear any personal defense against the Iman’s of corruption while they slit your throat. The real sign was, the Cathedral wasn’t totally destroyed. Its restoration will accompany the restoration of the souls of the apostates of Christianity.

Islam has been at war with the Christian world for over 1400 years. Why should they stop now when they believe they’re winning? The Popes positions as a turncoat, was predicted by Nostradamus, who predicted the “last Pope! Well, Maybe! If the Church dissolves in the muck of its own homosexuality and true believers abandon the faith, that will be a sure sign!

Here’s another one: The finished Mueller report, an exercise based on manufactured evidence, not of a crime, but to look for one, is to be released Thursday. Democrats and the MSM are salivating at the prospect of finding overlooked damning evidence that proves that Donald Trump is indeed impeachable. That’s nonsense of course, because we already know what’s in the Mueller report. We know the report will reveal, as it must, that the entire two plus years of expensive investigation was fabricated on lies and rigged evidence, to knowingly falsely swear and obtain warrants under the false flag of a Counter-Intelligence matter by a team of ugly conspirators under the leadership of Hillary Clinton and supported by the criminally infected upper echelon of the DoJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, IRS and possibly, even the NSA. The genesis of the Mueller investigation was in a fact a pre-planned, treasonous act against the winner of the 2016 race for the presidency. That’s a sign things may be turning around for real truth and justice.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Beware The Serpent Selling Apples


Beware The Serpent Selling Apples
No matter how the package is wrapped, how sweet and sensible sounding the charming words that fall from candidates lips are, always keep in mind the end goal of the Democrat party is to destroy America’s representative government, its constitution and its values, to create in its place another failed Communist empire but, on a world wide scale. The Democrat party is now totally Socialist and moving rapidly further to the left as more radicals infiltrate its ranks.

One such serpent is the former mayor of South Bend Ind. Greg Buttigeig, a sweet talking, sensible sounding, young politician, with administrative accomplishments in his resume’. But, he’s still a gay Democrat! Unlike the rest of their cast of characters who presume to be Presidential material and firmly linked to the radical philosophy of the Democrat party, Buttigeig is not and that makes him dangerous. Like the snake dispensing forbidden apples, he could win!

The other Democrat candidates lining up for their party’s primary approval are exposed as rotten apples having already employed the party’s pernicious techniques of spreading lies, falsehoods and innuendo’s against anyone and everyone who does not tow their ‘politically correct’ line, whether they be bloggers on internet sites, network news readers, entertainers, other politicians or simply folks who write their concerns to their local newspaper editor.

Among the more visible Nimrod’s with presidential aspirations are the three B’s of political fantasy: Beto, the Irish Mexican, Biden the Elder of the free hands, and long past his shelf life due date, and Bernie, the house hoarding socialist. All are open to examination.

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, aka: Roberto Francisco O’Rouke will, like a single candle in the wind, soon be puffed out because he say’s idiotic things. But one must wonder, by what measure of competence did he manage to snatch six plus million dollars out of the ether on the first day of his announcement? How about George Soros? It simply cannot be true that the multitude of “deplorable’s” in fly over country, all at once, ponied up that much cash, in a single day, to start his campaign for president. Something’s amiss here, for sure and it ain’t apples.

The rapidity of amassing a campaign chest of that magnitude from individual donations, is clearly not in the cards. Unquestionably the stipends came in the form of gracious endowments by progressive billionaires who see in ‘Beto’ the best bet of a Democrat replacing Donald Trump. I don’t think they really believe it can happen though, until 2024, so this is preparation only, a test run as it were, like polishing up that ol’ apple.

Improbably, should “Beto’ win the Democrat Primary, I can hardly wait for the first debate. One wonders what nickname Trump will permanently affix to Beto’s persona, ya know, like he did to “Little Mario,” and “Low Energy Jeb,” that sort of thing? But, Beto is perceived as popular and he ran a near race against Ted Cruz (a legitimate Latino), for Texas Senator, losing by three points. Should we hold a contest for a best nick name for “Beto?”

A quiet hush fell the other day, news wise, after an honest Reuters journalist revealed that years ago, Beto harbored a deep pathological problem about killing little children playing in the street with his car. A pre-campaign revelation of this nature should crush poor Beto like an order of refried beans in a taco shell. It was also revealed he was a member of a youthful gang of intellectual “hackers” who did much damage. So, we can presume I suppose, he has a good technological mind even if it does involve running down little children on the street with his car.

Remember freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em!

Cultural Marxism, Its Ugly Effect


Cultural Marxism, Its Ugly Effect
The obdurate Left, especially the House leadership, as in the Democrat led Judicial and Intelligence committees, as well as their Progressive base, remain completely discombobulated with the ‘shocking’ results (for them) of the conclusion of Mueller’s two years and millions of dollar in expenses spent in an investigation that failed to produce what they wanted, the negation of the 2016 election, i.e.: the removal of Donald Trump from the Presidency.

Their uncontrollable anguish, while signaling the story’s evanescence, also reveals their staunch determination to hang on to the “Collusion” issue despite the Mueller Reports conclusion. To keep the public’s interest actually signals, even to the most casual observer, their desperation at ending Trump’s Swamp draining exercise and their realization that “it ain’t going to happen.”

When the media’s hard news stories, nearly always lies wrapped in deceit and enveloped in authenticity and have run their course, they are going nowhere because they quickly lose a weary, scandal hungry public. Breathless CNN and MSNBC announcements of the Presidents imminent demise that never materialize, soon bores the public to death and the story atrophies, as it should, as does the media’s veracity. It is the media that sets the daily storyline, except when Trump “Tweets,” and nobody will care anymore. We’re there now.

The salacious Trump Collusion story will now, or rightly should, focus on the real criminals, the Obama officials involved in this tawdry treasonous exercise responsible for the Coup against Trump, the Deep State anti-Trump plotters in the leadership roles of the Obama administration specifically in the FBI, DoJ, CIA, DCI and the IRS.

Now unproven allegations based on Clinton’s phony fusion report, from which errant FISA warrants were issued on false pretenses, rumors cunningly crafted and put into operation by James Comey, ensnares a whole host of conspirators that need to face judgement. If Hillary Clinton, the criminal-in-chief, escapes facing justice because of who she is politically, that will signal the end of legitimate rule of law government and opening the door to the only thing left to satisfy true “deplorable” Americans,“finis terminus acquits!.” It will be terrible!

What is the measure of the Left’s anguish? What is so important to them that they will engage in treason endangering their lives and fortunes to stop Donald Trump from draining the swamp? The answer is available if one only looks. On 10 August, 2017, Foreignpolicy.com reported the firing of a White House Staffer NSC named Rich Higgins. In a memo, Higgins revealed the “Deep State” members within the White House,who were working to undermine Trump. The prime reactionary was Trump’s second Nat. Sec/ adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, who fired Higgins.

Basically, here is a synopsis of the Foreign Policy story: “National Security Council paints a dark picture of media, academics, the “deep state, and other enemies allegedly working to subvert U.S. President Donald Trump, according to a copy of the document obtained by Foreign Policy.
The seven-page document, which eventually landed on the president’s desk, precipitated a crisis that led to the departure of several high-level NSC officials tied to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The author of the memo, Rich Higgins, who was in the strategic planning office at the NSC, was among those recently pushed out.”

The full memo, dated May 2017, is titled “POTUS & Political Warfare.” It provides a sweeping, if at times conspiratorial, view of what it describes as a multi-pronged attack on the Trump White House. Trump is being attacked, the memo says, because he represents “an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative.” Those threatened by Trump include “‘deep state’ actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans.”

The memo is part of a broader political struggle inside the White House between current National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and alt-right operatives with a nationalist worldview who believe the Army general (McMaster) and his crew are subverting the president’s agenda.

The ‘Higgins Memo’ can be read at ForeignPolicy.com or, consult your internet search engine looking for Higgins memo. It’s another window into the dark side. You may be shocked at what you find there.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?


Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?

I’m sure it hasn’t gone unnoticed by Conservatives as it has among the media, that when Islamist’s murder people at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Shoot up Coptic church’s in Egypt, a Catholic cathedral in the Philippines, a ‘Gay’ nightclub in Orlando, a concert in Paris, a concert in Liverpool and on the streets of Nice or, fly three commandeered airplanes into American buildings, we are repeatedly told not to paint all Muslims with the same evil brush as the radical Jihadists. However, let one crazed, white neo-nazi drives his car into a Charlottesville mob of Leftists, or a professed Leftist in Christchurch, NZ, shoots up a mosque, Conservatives are all immediately branded as white supremacists, white nationalists or Nazi’s, as the media screams “racism and Islamaphobic bigotry.” I can’t be the only one who has noticed this, can I? Where’s the outrage, except by the Left against white culture?

After every attack by Muslim terrorists, we are repeatedly warned of the dangers of hate and Islamophobia. Well, if we didn’t listen to them and acted as real defenders would have, we’ve had killed off or imprisoned all the idiots by now and the Islamic invasion would be over. But, we didn’t! Obama talked us out of that after the San Bernardino massacre. Then came Dylan Roof, a white Liberal, who killed nine blacks worshipers in a Charlestown, SC church and Obama screamed that racism was still part of the American DNA so, white folks, beware. It was Obama’s policy to divide and conquer. It was he who stirred up that pot again.

So, fifty Muslims were murdered in New Zealand by a single activist. Hardly compares with the 118 Christians murdered in Nigeria by mobs of Muslim jihadists this past week. They’re all still running free to continue their Christian genocide. Why is the Muslim slaughters in Nigeria not being reported by the media or discussed by politicians? Western countries provide Muslims with the safe guards and protection of law, but not so in some Muslim countries where non-Muslims are second class citizens, subservient to Sharia Law, and taxed if not killed out right, as infidels; In European  countries non Muslim (Infidel) women can be beaten and raped according to Sharia law, and where criticizing Islam, or leaving it, merits you a death sentence. How is it “Progressive” to defend Islam’s hateful phobias from criticism? Why is “Islamiphobia” not a cherished term of self-defense instead of a pejorative for ‘hate, bigotry and Islamaphobia?’

What we don’t see or can’t fathom, is that the Democrats have weaponized the lie, especially to defeat President Trump. Whether something is a lie or not is irrelevant if it serves their purpose. Lies are amoral. I learned that from my home schooled soap dish experience. Any American who has not figured this out after watching the Democrats in action since Trumps inauguration, and Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, is blind. The Democrats are waging a war and the lie is simply a weapon. The “Elite” congressional Republicans are fools who dwell, at tax payer expense, in the land of Oz. We see the Republicans as playing with marbles while the Left is  playing with nuclear weapons, protecting invaders so they can continue their Islamization depredations among our once orderly society.

The NZ shooter described himself as an “eco-fascist,” an “anarchist,” a “libertarian” and finally a “communist.” He disagreed with President Trump on many issues and, he identified more with Red China than Conservatism. He chose to use firearms in his attack because he wanted to create an aura of divisiveness, like within the US. He wrote that he leaned toward European style Socialism and whined about wealth inequality yet, the media blamed Donald Trump as causal because of Charlottesville. We must define for ourselves the words the Left has changed to suit their agenda. We should know by now the key phrases that smack of Marxist-Leninism.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now go get ‘em!

Witness To Evil


Witness To Evil
In the most shocking vote I’ve ever witnessed taken by the Congress, the Stalinists Democrat Party have thrown off any pretense of being civilized, caring, empathetic, loving or law abiding. They are the creepy zombies who kill anything they touch and if they can’t kill it themselves, they’ll make it happen by legislation. Do they have a mandate because they won the House?

They voted Monday evening to deny the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to live born infants under the Abortion Survivors Protection Act. That was despicable! Who are these Stalinists cretins who want to kill every living thing except condemned prisoners, that believe they have a mandate to govern and demand we accept the continued brutalization of society?

Only three Democrat Senators voted for Sen. Ben Sass’ s (R-Neb) infant protection act and I suspect because they face re-election or popularity problems, most certainly Doug Jones of Alabama, a fill in candidate embraced by the Never Trumpers to defeat Judge Roy Moore whose reputation was trashed by the RiNO’s collaboration with the Stalinists. They should beware because what goes around comes around. Sens. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), were the other two. Republicans absent were Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND.), Tim Scott (R-SC.), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Ak), due to transportation problems.

Here are the words of Sen Sass’s simple act: The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” The bill, which exempted the mother involved in the birth from prosecution, also would have required practitioners to “ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.” It prescribed a possible term of imprisonment of up to five years for violations, not including penalties for first-degree murder that could have applied.

I always had a notion that the Hippocratic Oath meant something to medical practitioners, but apparently no longer, so long as the Stalinists demand otherwise. President Trump, in his straightforward way, commented on the vote: “Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies after birth,” he tweeted. “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.”

The Stalinists claim walls are immoral but ripping the body parts out of a newborn infant isn’t? Our hope is, as Americans, that these peace loving politicians themselves should spend a part of their day, everyday, visiting the halls of Abortion Gulags to oversee their handiwork, infants being slaughtered around them and then asking “what have I done?”

Does the Stalinist Democrat Party, now out in the open and expose as the abetters of death they have become, really believe they have a hold on the future? Are newborns to be considered carbon-footprints and every third one killed? To whom are the fresh body parts sold, and why? Who suggested the motive for harvesting bits and pieces of infants? And, with this vote, sure to be vetoed, could Kermit Gosnell demand a retrial? Does this despicable act rise to the level of the now banned practice of clubbing to death baby seals? Just asking.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!



Swish! And as quick as that, the entire collusion picture turned on a dime and the Democrats are in panic mode looking for life boats to save themselves from their sinking ship. Of course, always keep in mind that with Democrats the inevitable never happens, the unexpected always does. So beware! The first inditements against the Obama-Clinton cabal has been launched against Obama’s White House counsel, Greg Craig. It appears he didn’t register as an agent for a foreign government, the Russian backed Ukrainian government, and lied about it! Oh, bother. It’s those silly little things that ‘elites’ fail to do that gets them into trouble? Isn’t it?

It started when Attorney General Barr was asked a direct question by a Democrat Senator on the Senate Intelligence Committee, publicly, that opened the door through which Conservatives are flowing to seize control of the fallacious collusion farce recently concluded by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. The Senate Democrats tried to force AG Barr to admit that he, Barr, at Trumps insistence, forced Mueller to end the Trump-Russia investigation prematurely before Mueller could find the certain evidence of Trumps collusion. No! Barr said that he and Mueller agreed that nothing was found that showed Trump or any of his associates, colluded with the Ruskies but, that many other questions on procedural issues concerning the FISA Warrants by the FBI, had to be investigated.

The senator then asked: “Do you mean there was spying going on?” Barr: “Yes, I believe spying (on Trumps campaign) did occur and it’s a big deal.” Barr correctly denied the agent corps of the FBI was involved, only the embedded Deep State intellectual elites who launched their treasonous Coup against Trump to save the Obama/Clinton empire and themselves, because Clinton didn’t win. Not the answer they Left was looking for, or their media collaborators either.

Immediately, an outraged Chuckie Schumer, in an attempt to stem the bleeding, demanded that Barr retract that damning statement at once, as a mere ‘conspiracy theory’ rumor. There’s the pot calling the kettle black! It’s too late! I suspect Barr had already set in motion the round up of the Obama-Clinton’s cattle herd of deep state criminals, starting with Obama’s White House Counsel Greg Craig. Then came Julien Assange, GRU Spy handler. The collapse coming!

At the same time the clueless Chair of the House Finance Committee, the elderly Democrat auntie Maxine Waters, always ready at a moment to be odd, thinking she exercised some superiority after crossing swords with Treasury Secty. Steve Mnuchin the day before, chose this scene to pose a question directly to several subpoenaed Wall Street bank CEO’s, that revealed her complete incompetence and lack of preparation, by asking them just what they were going to do to help alleviate the high and growing costs of college loans.Well, Nothing, because….!

Their answers were simple: they got out of the student loan business ten years and more ago, student loans being assumed by Obama’s government. The silence was deafening and immediately turned her committee into a Midway minstrel show showing the lowest depth of justifiable silliness to which a Democrat House committee can descend when led by an incompetent. While we may weep with joy at confirmation of their well earned reputations as stupid fools, let’s not take our eyes of those other three noisy Nimrods of intellectual acumen, Adam Schiff, Chairmen of the House Intelligence committee, Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the Judiciary committee, and not to be left out, Elijah Cummings of the Oversight committee.

The curtain is coming down but we cannot be complacent. Trump will not forget and we shouldn’t either. His end goal will be to bring down and totally destroy, Barak Obama. Bet on it!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Social Engineering America to Death


Social Engineering America to Death

Social engineering schemes, such as the Progressive followers of Saul Alinsky (Democrats), keep applying by following his Rules for Radicals, constitute the deliberate and illegal attempt to change our society and our culture to meet societal norms that lay far outside the guidelines of the US Constitution. Indeed, Progressives firmly believe America is the center of all the world’s evils and the US Constitution that supports it, stands as an impediment to world social justice and must be done away with, one amendment at at time, if necessary.

Case in point, the constant progressive attack against the 2nd Amendment. It is the one defense Americans possess that can prevent the radical takeover of America. We also see a vigorous attack on our 1st Amendment rights coming from several fronts. Look at the first line”: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” That’s it, yet Progressives scream government(s) cannot recognize prayer, posting of the Ten Commandments or support Christian based activities because of some non-existent “Separation of Church and State” nonsense that’s not in there. As often as I have read that sentence, I’m still unable to lay my finger on any word that prohibits government from supporting or participating in any religious activity, not monetarily of course, but morally. Yet the “Left” persists on insisting that the ‘separation of church and state’ is a point of law not to be violated and we believe ‘em!

What the 1st amendment does state, unequivocally, is that Government shall not establish an official state church, a reaction to the religious turmoil that plunged Great Britain into bloody conflict for generations. That will become a mute point of course, when adherents of Islam start rising as elected government officials to the point they will, by their sheer numbers alone, out number and out vote non-muslims (infidels) and replace the Constitution with Sharia Law.

Free speech is also under attack, not so subtly, by the media, Facebook and Twitter crowd simply by not posting conservative opinions. The radical take over of many colleges and universities forbid Conservative speakers on campus. They will assault conservative students dispensing Trump hats, etc., and are encouraged by school administrations to do so. The Radicals have so scared college administrations with the threat of violence, most officials, if not already radicalized, dare not complain. If Conservatives assemble peaceably, they are attacked by radical goon squads (antifa’s, BLM) and even made to look like the conservatives started it.

Presently, Congressional Democrats adamantly refuse to protect our borders from invasion by the hoards of peons from Mexico and Central America, schooled to ask for ‘asylum.’ Suborning this invasion is to support social engineering designed to increase Progressives voter rolls. Now, the southern invasion is overwhelming the CBP’s efforts to stem the tide, another Alinsky rule, they will soon overwhelm our financial ability to support ‘em as well. Asylum requests should only be heard at US Embassy’s and Consulates, not at borders.

Why do we need to accept them? Because Democrats insisted “it was the thing to do, it’s who we are,” drawing on our sympathies as Americans who are always ready to help the poor and destitute, while they gun down, rape and murder our own citizens. That day, I believe, is soon coming to an end. We cannot afford to support other countries citizens. That doesn’t matter to Democrats. They’ll simply say take the funds from Defense and, you’re racist if you don’t! Trump will not do that, but he’ll take the funds from those countries we are already supporting.

Our banking laws are a hinderance to the control of unwanted foreign populations demanding to stay here because they’re already here. All foreigners here should be required to establish American banking accounts. No money sent abroad without an American bank account.

For example, If an American retires to Mexico, the retiree(s) cannot continue to maintain their American bank accounts. They must open a Mexican bank account. Why don’t we do that? Why can we not forbid the telegraphing of cash money orders via Wester Union to foreign countries, without going first through American Banks? Control the money and you control the population.

If we stopped financial support to them when they do get here, the monetary draw to come would cease. Those already here illegally, should be advised they have three months to sell their property, keep the receipts and return to their home countries or, the American government will do it for them and keep the proceeds to help defray the cost of their evacuation.

Finally, I want to know by what measure illegals are entitled to my Social Security money, my medicare benefits and our tax money for their education and housing. That was a Progressive Democrat idea, because “we’re good people and mean well.” Turn off the money spigot at all levels and the invasion(s) will cease. We owe these people nothing!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”


“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”
“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My, oh my, what a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine headin’ our way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee ay” … Brilliant sunshine as a matter of fact, as the Mueller Report will soon go into historic hibernation for future presidential scholars and doctoral students to pick over for their theses’ on how not to conduct an overt act of conspiratorial political treason against a president who is demonstrably tougher than they are.

Now, that it’s all over but the shouting, what will come out of it? Arrests, trials and imprisonment I hope, but we can’t bet on it as judicial corruption now even spreads to special people, as in the case of the very stupid and untalented actor, Jussie Smollett, released without charge because, presumably, he’s a stupid, untalented black actor. But that’s another story.

The Democrat Party, having worked so hard for so long and to nearly achieve their goal of Socializing America only to have the presidential prize snatched away from them by a bunch of deplorable’s who voted for an outsider, are truly experiencing the effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their behavior is exposing for all to see, the real dangers of allowing unworkable religious and political philosophies to participate in our Representative government as equals.

We have been warned that we would enter a revolutionary phase in American politics, not seen since the blood letting of the Civil War, after Obama became president; one faction fixated on enslaving the entire American population to total government control, for their own good, a sure recipe for more blood letting, while the other faction, preaching the absolute need to ‘conserve’ the Constitution as the leading light and guide of our proven Representative form of government. Alas, never the twain shall meet. We’re in a death struggle.

Out of the mishmash of contending political belief’s, burning like the nuclear core of a growing star, grew a new political faction, the elected elites, composed of idiots who believed their own propaganda that got them elected, who then hired the busy little worker bees who make the bureaucratic Deep State, safe in their sinecure of federal employment, to run the show, make rules without our elected representatives approval and start heading America into the hands of a bureaucratic state not to be meddled with…. until Trump. Dog gone it!

Long ago, the leftists consumed the Democrat party and after doing so, the Progressives consumed the liberals and now, the Progressives are being eaten by Marxists, and soon, no
doubt, the Marxists will be consumed by tyrannically driven Communists, with all the odious apparatus of the Stalinist state to protect it, like the BLM’s, Antifa’s, anarchists and nihilists.

We can sing that happy song now, but these creatures of the Left refuse to be defeated and are already seeking the high ground to pivot to another tactic to stop Trumps rampage through their tattered plans for Americas internal conquest. Pelosi talks Health Care, AOC her Green New Deal, others rants that “the economy is not working for working people,” that the nation needs to alter course so “parents can put food on the table” and “no one is left behind” and, that damn wall had better not be built. Just tugs at the heart strings, doesn’t it?

The Left simply will not admit the truth, inconvenient as it may be, that Trump’s economic boom is benefiting all working people. The truth is not one of their operative words, deceit and lies are what works for them. The Democrats are on the ropes. Now is the time to strike them hard, spare no effort to destroy them before they destroy America. The coup criminals now exposed, cannot be allowed to go free. They must be destroyed, the sooner the better.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Trumps Fearful Hold on Democrats


Trumps Fearful Hold on Democrats

Some rabid Trump haters may be realizing the fake Russian collusion business is going nowhere. Not all of course, but painful as it might be, some know it’s time to pivot. Their guide still lies with Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicles recommendation to overwhelm the system(s) to the breaking point such as we are seeing at our southern border. So look for Illegal emigration to rise as the next hot topic along side health care, for the poor & indigent including the disease ridden illegals now infecting America with illness thought to be long gone.

Congress is still burdened with its dimwitted politicos like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, auntie Maxine, et. al., in the Democrat leadership. They are still blowing smoke about the failure of the Special Counsels to indite Donald Trump. Could the Mueller report still be fertile ground to be plowed for new accusations? Nope, ain’t gonna happen! They’ve got to look elsewhere and believe me, they will. Unlike Republicans, they never give up or roll over to the inevitable truth.

The Mueller Report did us a good turn. It revealed, regardless of the MSM’s ignoring it almost totally, that there was indeed criminal collusion, a conspiracy to commit treason. By lying to Congress, lying to Federal investigators and obstruction of justice rising to the level of Treason, a hanging offense, the conspirators created false evidence and narratives of the supposed criminality by Donald Trump. They provided false testimony to obtain warrants (FISA), to stop the Trump threat and protect the real criminality of their kindred spirits, Obama, the Clintons and the elite bureaucrats of the Federal Intelligence and law enforcement community.

When search warrants are requested by investigators, including FISA Warrants, our 4th amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizures “requires” that truthful probable cause, supported by evidence and oath or affirmation, must exist. That oath, given to a judge or magistrate, if knowingly false, constitutes a crime. But Judges can’t always know that and, In Trump’s case FBI’s oaths were believed because they were the FBI, armed with the highest of reputations. For Trump, the FBI investigation fell under the ruse of a counter-Intelligence inquiry. That does not negate the crimes of false swearing they conspired to commit in obtaining their warrants. There can be no possible other course of action here. If Mueller was honest and truthful, then the FBI and their coconspirators in the DoJ, lied to him as well.

What Mueller’s report has done was to destroy Americans faith in our system of federal justice, another point in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to take down existing governments. It revealed that a wicked self-serving elite bureaucracy, a “Deep State,” was no longer just a rumor of the tinfoil hat crowd, but is in fact a very real danger to our American representative form of government. Mueller revealed clearly to what depths the Deep State elites will go to protect their elite inner kingdom. They are dedicated to protecting their own because if they don’t they could all hang. The Progressives will (almost) endure any pain, seek any measure of possible influence ore commit any crime, including murder, to stay in power. Watch for the rats to leave the sinking Progressive ship. Brennan has already started with hi “I didn’t know,” nonsense.

How far has the rot of judicial favoritism spread? How about to Obama’s Chicago where an unknown actor in a silly TV soap opera, Jussie Smollett, desperate for notoriety and following right on the heels of the Mueller report serve as an example? Our system of justice can no longer survive leftist favoritism in addressing crimes simply because “they meant well” or didn’t like the candidate(s). So, here’s the real headline: Attention Democrats, the Mueller report is complete and the results are in. “Donald Trump’s your daddy!”

Remember, freedoms the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s go get ‘em!

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