Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?


Christian Genocide. Is Islam the Question or the Answer?

I’m sure it hasn’t gone unnoticed by Conservatives as it has among the media, that when Islamist’s murder people at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Shoot up Coptic church’s in Egypt, a Catholic cathedral in the Philippines, a ‘Gay’ nightclub in Orlando, a concert in Paris, a concert in Liverpool and on the streets of Nice or, fly three commandeered airplanes into American buildings, we are repeatedly told not to paint all Muslims with the same evil brush as the radical Jihadists. However, let one crazed, white neo-nazi drives his car into a Charlottesville mob of Leftists, or a professed Leftist in Christchurch, NZ, shoots up a mosque, Conservatives are all immediately branded as white supremacists, white nationalists or Nazi’s, as the media screams “racism and Islamaphobic bigotry.” I can’t be the only one who has noticed this, can I? Where’s the outrage, except by the Left against white culture?

After every attack by Muslim terrorists, we are repeatedly warned of the dangers of hate and Islamophobia. Well, if we didn’t listen to them and acted as real defenders would have, we’ve had killed off or imprisoned all the idiots by now and the Islamic invasion would be over. But, we didn’t! Obama talked us out of that after the San Bernardino massacre. Then came Dylan Roof, a white Liberal, who killed nine blacks worshipers in a Charlestown, SC church and Obama screamed that racism was still part of the American DNA so, white folks, beware. It was Obama’s policy to divide and conquer. It was he who stirred up that pot again.

So, fifty Muslims were murdered in New Zealand by a single activist. Hardly compares with the 118 Christians murdered in Nigeria by mobs of Muslim jihadists this past week. They’re all still running free to continue their Christian genocide. Why is the Muslim slaughters in Nigeria not being reported by the media or discussed by politicians? Western countries provide Muslims with the safe guards and protection of law, but not so in some Muslim countries where non-Muslims are second class citizens, subservient to Sharia Law, and taxed if not killed out right, as infidels; In European  countries non Muslim (Infidel) women can be beaten and raped according to Sharia law, and where criticizing Islam, or leaving it, merits you a death sentence. How is it “Progressive” to defend Islam’s hateful phobias from criticism? Why is “Islamiphobia” not a cherished term of self-defense instead of a pejorative for ‘hate, bigotry and Islamaphobia?’

What we don’t see or can’t fathom, is that the Democrats have weaponized the lie, especially to defeat President Trump. Whether something is a lie or not is irrelevant if it serves their purpose. Lies are amoral. I learned that from my home schooled soap dish experience. Any American who has not figured this out after watching the Democrats in action since Trumps inauguration, and Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, is blind. The Democrats are waging a war and the lie is simply a weapon. The “Elite” congressional Republicans are fools who dwell, at tax payer expense, in the land of Oz. We see the Republicans as playing with marbles while the Left is  playing with nuclear weapons, protecting invaders so they can continue their Islamization depredations among our once orderly society.

The NZ shooter described himself as an “eco-fascist,” an “anarchist,” a “libertarian” and finally a “communist.” He disagreed with President Trump on many issues and, he identified more with Red China than Conservatism. He chose to use firearms in his attack because he wanted to create an aura of divisiveness, like within the US. He wrote that he leaned toward European style Socialism and whined about wealth inequality yet, the media blamed Donald Trump as causal because of Charlottesville. We must define for ourselves the words the Left has changed to suit their agenda. We should know by now the key phrases that smack of Marxist-Leninism.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now go get ‘em!

What’s the Beef All About?


The big argument going on in America right now is not really between Republicans and
Democrats, but what our founding fathers intended for us, a pathway to individual rights and
responsibilities then unknown in Europe, and what the Marxist Democrat mob now wants, the
collectivization of the people under the Socialist leadership of our self appointed ‘betters.’

Our Constitution, supposedly protected by a deep and certain belief in its truths, is actually
treated like a mere piece of paper. Often ignored, as frequently vilified and, as we are realizing,
under Democrats, now the earnest object of change because it supposedly does not really
serve the people, i.e.: the Collective! They attack the Electoral College process because it
doesn’t serve their idea of the popular democratic (majority) vote. The “deplorable’s” in the
hinterland, needn’t vote, they need socialist guidance.

But, instantly the disarmed people of a “democratic” state realized they’ve been hoodwinked by
their communist masters and start a fuss, the odious apparatus created by the state, like the
street thugs of the SA and SD of Nazi Germany, the Fascists of Mussolini’s Italy, the NKVD of
Lenin’s Bolshevik Russia and today’s anarchists will move into action to ruthlessly intimidate,
bully, assault and stamp out all possible dissent. Friendly persuasion is not a tool of compliance.

The Communist cadres that make up the American Democrat Party, not now in a position to
officially loose the hounds of hell on a resisting populous, still see it as their Marxist duty to try.
So, we have the Black Live’s Matter, the Antifa’s, Pink Hat ladies, & etc., ignorant protesters
swarming out onto the streets to reek mayhem and discontent with government(s) at every
level, from the streets of Ferguson, Mo. and Baltimore, Md. to the very Halls of Congress, trying
to effect changes that suit them, as our masters, but certainly not the American constitution.

It is not an exaggeration to say the more government inserts itself into our personal affairs, like
the eight years of Obama did, the more individual freedoms we lose. The more intrusive the
government’s regulatory powers, the greater is the threat to our live’s. Lacking popular support
for their harebrained schemes, they’ve turned to control through judiciary fiat, another scheme
to abridge the Constitution thwarted by Donald Trumps election.

Since the Democrat Kavanaugh debacle, the political forces behind Democrat opposition to our
Constitution now considers the US Senate to be the next threat to their schemes. They see the
Senate as an old, staid institution of white people that has outlived its potential usefulness.
Our freedoms did not come as a gift to enrich one race, the Europeans who came here to create
a country unlike any other, where the playing field is level so all can enjoy the same rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness and not suffer helplessly under the boot heels of a majority
mob who demands acquiescence to the “collective.” Their losses are mounting.

The Democrats desperation is now manifest in actual attacks against conservatives, shouting in
their faces in public places, pushing and shoving, pulling up campaign signs, a stabbing, and
even a shooting. The plot of the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh was the
Democrats peripeteia situation. Conservatives should expect attacks to continue.

Personal freedom is inversely proportional to governmental action and will not exist for those
who do not exercise it. Once we submit ourselves to the collective, we can then be sacrificed to
the whim of tyranny. And that’s what the beef is all about.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19Oct18)

07, Nov 2018 – And Nothing Really Has Changed


5:00 am, 07 Nov 2018 – By now, most people are acquainted with national voting outcomes and realize
there was no wave, Red or Blue and American politics will remain a mishmash. Democrats regained the
House by 34, meaning two more years of stalemate. Republicans kept the Senate by increasing their hold
there by three. Missed by the media is that the candidates that Trump campaigned for all won. Trump
now will turn to the use of his veto pen. Military spending will slow, for two years at least, and spending for
illegals will be vetoed to death. It will be a wasted two years for Democrats, but the Judiciary will turn to its
original roots of strict constitutionalism. Watch Trump negotiate the art of the deal with Democrats.

Sorting out voting results for local and other state candidates and issues will take a while. That the US
House of Representatives slipped back into Democrat hands, while consistent with mid-presidential term
voting patterns, is still an issue that will ensure continued political conflict and an even wider divide
between Conservative and Socialist supporters of the direction America will take. Will this signal another
step toward a Venezuela and Cuba style life or a misstep of retaining Americans position as the worlds
economic and military steadying super power? Imagine, Nancy Pelosi once again as Speaker of the
House and that demented screeching mad Max(ine) Waters chairing the House Financial Committee. The
inmates are truly taking control of one wing of the asylum.

I lay the loss of the House of Representatives at the feet of Speaker Paul Ryan, a hopeless never
Trumper extrodinaire, whose lack-luster performance for supporting conservative trending Republican
candidates betrayed his desire for retaining a big government, ’business as usual,’ anybody but Trump
attitude. But, he’ll be gone soon and a rearrangement of the chairs on the Houses deck will commence
while the screaming Democrats start their inquisition trials against Trump and Kavanaugh. Wait for it.

Sadly, Scott Walker, three time winning Governor of Wisconsin, (don’t forget the recall) was outed by a
percentage point to Tony Evers, so watch as that state once again slips under the corrupt influence of
union thuggery. Kansas, whose Republican Attorney General, Kris Kobach, took a shot at the
Governorship lost to Democrat Laura Kelly, while Florida remained all “Red.” It is now safe for the DoJ to
indite losing Democrat candidate Andrew Gillum for his fraud crimes. California, under Gavin Newsom,
will continue to function as a pitiful example of Americas potential Venezuela outcome. Blackburn won the
Republican seat vacated by a RINO and McSally kept Arizona in GOP hands.

The good news is that most of the House Republicans whose seats were challenged and won by
Democrats, were Republicans who quit or retired leaving a vacant seat to be refilled. So be it! Most of the
emotional news worthy Senate contests fell favorably to Republicans, including Arizona, Texas. Democrat
Senators in battleground states who voted against Justice Kavanaugh, all lost and that includes
Missouri’s Macaskill. Michigan's splendid Republican candidate for Senate, West Point graduate and
combat veteran John James slipped below the waves, while a dead whorehouse owner in Nevada won
his House seat.

I’ll not continue with more election results because they’ll be all the news today. What I will say is that
America clearly stands at the edge of meaningless. The next several years will be a head butting contest
between a Constitutional, law abiding citizenry and Sanctuary City, open border loving Socialists.

What was revealed is that democrats gains came despite their having absolutely no program to run on
except “Impeach Trump.” The campaigns of Democrat candidates were all propaganda and fake news,
designed to move their candidate to the center politically, and avoid what they realize is a non-starter for
most Americans, the aura of being a true communist candidate.

Conservatives have two years to reconstruct their Congressional candidates to rid congress of the
remaining RINO’s. Pelosi, if she survives her own caucus, should be a boon to regaining the house in two

For Republicans, cleansing the institutions charged with the education of America’s children in our nearly
totally corrupted colleges and universities, must become a priority. Challenging them directly won’t work but making them redundant can. Conservatives must also keep up their pursuit of the Black and Latino
voters and convince them to leave the Democrat plantation for conservatism where they can have the
opportunity to prosper. The next time I use the term “Republican” and don’t have to hold my breath doing
so, will be when conservatives predominate in the Congress, the Senate remains Republican and Trump
starts his second term.

Watch for the Left to reengage their shock-troops to hit the streets in support of any issue they think
necessary to boost their limited power and, their power is limited. The swelling sanctuary city rolls will
economically collapse those leftist governments that have abandoned the rule of law while anarchy will
sweep their streets when they run out of tax payer funds. Expect Paul Ryan to challenge Trump for
President in 2020 but first, he’ll have to nudge former Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, out of the way.

For the next few years, bipartisanship will be a nonstarter. We’re in for an interesting two years and
Conservatives have a lot of work to do so, we cannot lose faith, but get out there and get busy; continue
the attack on the idiots and idiocy of the Left.

Finally, the good news is that I can now have my e-mail back. Daily, and I suspect most of you also,
delete hundreds of pleas for donations, double donations, split donations and etc. especially from
democrats PAC’s whining about being stabbed in the back and etc.

Today is the first day of Trump’s campaign for re-election. He’s a winner so let’s find politicians who will
work with him.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ‘em! (07Nov18)

“Conservative” Republican Congressman Tom Graves refuses to support English as the official language of the United States.


Submitted By: D.A. King

While the political world is focused on the lunacy in Washington DC, conservative, pro-English voters in Georgia’s 14th congressional district may have an interest in Republican Congressman Tom Graves’ very curious and un-conservative anti-English stance.

HR 997 – the English Unity Act – was introduced last year in the U.S. House by conservative Steve King. The legislation establishes English as the official language of the United States. The bill is often falsely  described as “English only” when in fact it is “English as official” – not “only.” Comprende?

Readers can learn more about the official English movement bt visiting the non-profit website,

Also in the legislation:

*Naturalization ceremonies and official functions of the U.S. government, subject to exceptions, must be conducted in English.

*The bill declares that all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of U.S. laws.

*A person injured by a violation of this bill may obtain relief, including a declaratory judgment, in a civil action.

*English language requirements and workplace policies, whether in the public or private sector, shall be presumptively consistent with U.S. laws. Any ambiguity in U.S. laws shall be resolved in accordance with the rights retained by the people and the powers reserved to states under the Bill of Rights.

*The Department of Homeland Security shall issue a proposed rule for uniform testing of the English language ability of candidates for naturalization based upon the principles that: (1) all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the laws of the United States; and (2) any exceptions to this standard should be limited to extraordinary circumstances, such as asylum.

The little known fact is that the United States has no official language, despite huge public support for official English. It is worth noting that the U.S. and Georgia Chambers of Commerce are stridently opposed to this nationally unifying concept.

Maybe that is why Graves has repeatedly refused to help with passage of this commonsense and voter-popular bill by co-sponsoring and is on record as telling political pundit Phil Kent that “this is not one of my top priorities right now.”

It wasn’t a priority last year or the year before either.

As readers no doubt are aware, all congressmen enjoy feedback and contact from constituents. Maybe readers can move support for official English up Congressman Tom Graves priority list with a respectful but firm phone call to his Washington DC office. The phone number there is 202) 225-5211.

It could very well be that Mr. Graves doesn’t think you know anything about this issue.

D.A. King of Marietta is president of the pro-English Dustin Inman Society.


Short Takes – Abdication



The decline of America’s two political parties is not a surprise. They have cheated America’s voters leaving them searching for Constitutional alternatives. The GOP’s abdication of its conservative principles presents a signal problem that can no longer be ignored; problems that voters saw coming and attempted to fix in 2012, 2014 and 2016, without success, is evidence enough that the GOP is broken and represents nobody except themselves. They don’t want to do anything lest they rock the boat and lose favor with their money suppliers and the media. The GOP has clearly abdicated its role as America’s conservative party. In other words, there isn’t one any more. They GOP elites didn’t get the message.

The Marxist controlled Democrat party holds no effective power in government except to act as obstructionists. Their leadership is composed of geriatric, old Marxists and Progressives, products of the 1960’s anti-Vietnam war era, still searching for the magic formula that will enable them to complete their socialization America, interrupted by Donald Trump. Count them gone.

For Conservatives, the Republican party has long claimed they held the key to salvation until we learned, and are still learning, that they are in fact liars, cheats and shills for big government and the cash that flows from it. There are some serious exceptions like David Perdue, Tom Cotton, Mike Lee and maybe even Tom Cruz. The party has more than its share of treacherous villains like the unprincipled John McCain and feckless leftist, Susan Collins among others, who join the Democrats in obstructing the Conservative agenda, that Donald Trump seized and gave voice to the deep concerns of many Americans about the direction the socialists were taking America.

How do we solve the problem? A new party? Nope!  No matter what it’s called a new party will simply not work. The Libertarians have been out there for years and have not advanced above the popularity level they first achieved since the beginning. I agree they are Constitutional conservatives, with exceptions, and it’s those exceptions that have them stalled in third place.

The only course available for conservative Republicans, independents and Democrats alarmed at the deceit of the Ruling Caste, is to replace the old GOP, member by member, in primary challenges by conservative candidates until the whole rotten GOP house of cards collapses.  

Why? Because that’s where the money is. That’s where the donations come to, that’s the crucible of corruption, that’s the seat of power and that’s the swamp Trump wants to drain. It must be done and it can’t be done from outside. The formation of new parties with their petty individual demands, would turn America into a squabbling cacophony of incompetent, third rate politicians, a mirror image example of the socialist European Union, especially Germany.  

Conservative Americans want a return of their personal liberty and respect for their individual achievements. The GOP is not giving it, but Trump is. He has identified several issues that will restore those lost liberties: eliminating Obama’s regulatory state, cutting taxes, creating jobs, enforcing immigration laws, and attempting to fix the Republican healthcare fiasco. Trump is trying to reshape policy in these areas, as Americans want. Apparently the GOP won’t help but insist that they, acting as our ruling class, are too important to be removed.

Trump’s success will positively impact America for generations to come. Can there be a constitutional renewal in America? Not if our betters have anything to say about it. It’s time to replace them. We can start by re registering as Independents. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Sep17)

Can The Swamp Be Drained?


Can The Swamp Be Drained?

It’s a crying shame that Dr.Tom Price, former Ga 6th District Rep. and Trumps appointed Secretary of Health & Human Services, saw it necessary to cave in to the leftist media’s tsunami attack on his transportation woes. The “Establishment”, the corrupted one world government crowd of Progressivism, can now proudly hang another trophy head on their wall. It appears the VA Secretary may be next followed by whomever shows even a hint of weakness. Beware, the establish will eat its own.

But let’s be truthful. This is not an accident. It’s a coordinated ‘establishment’ attack by our ‘betters’ to neuter Trump presidency they see as dangerous to their lifestyle. They haven’t been able to demonize or criminalize Trump, so they have now started picking around the edges claiming a trophy here and a trophy there until Trump’s vision of draining the swamp collapses into the very swamp we know he was talking about. They will drown him in vile pettiness.

They are stealing our election. Do not look to the GOP for succor. They are all in for the kill. This is larger than just Democrats and Republicans wanting to retain power; this is a massive coordinated, well funded attack by the “establishment elites,” funded by their financial cronies, to maintain the status quo. The organizers behind it don’t really care if the government is Constitutional, Socialist, Marxist or Fascists so long as the money brokers control the strings that make all us puppets dance to their tune.  

John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio, a total establish bureaucrat, is licking his chops waiting to offer himself up once again as America’s best hope. Hope for what? Government through bipartisanship? That’s all he talks about. Hope is just wishful thinking as we learned after suffering eight years of “Hope and Change’ during the excruciating Obama days. Bipartisanship with Democrats simply means that our side caves in to their sides Progressive agenda, an agenda the American voters rejected in the past three elections and continue to reject with the recent primary election of firebrand Ala. Senatorial candidate, Judge Roy Moore.  

Now we have to continue the fight, It is incumbent upon conservative voters everywhere to stand up and be counted, to understand, as Reagan cautioned, “Don’t look to Government to solve the problem, the government is the problem” and realize that…“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!.” …Mario Savio, UC Berkeley, Dec. 2, 1965.

The ‘machine’ is trying to save itself. With the alarming exodus of Trumps conservative cabinet secretaries, presidential advisers, associates and mid-level managers, it appears the deep state could win the battle after all. The next generation following us are becoming our enemies, brainwashed as they have been by the socialist dogma spewing from lecture stands in our colleges and universities. How can it be stopped? Can the swamp be drained? How do we address America’s history without being challenged over its every perceived error?

But what about the swamp? If you haven’t read The Art of the Deal, you can’t possibly understand Trumps tactics. He will get around to draining the swamp. It’s a three step plan with steps one and two almost completed. I don’t think a mere politician has the tactical skills to compete with Donald Trump. He’s a lot smarter than the average bear. More later.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Sep17)

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